Tuesday, March 12, 2013

"Unwind" by Neal Shusterman

Dystopian books are very interesting pieces of literature. They explore what the world might look like years from now if society took a different path. Like other dystopian books, Unwind takes readers through the unfamiliar world the main character lives in. However, Unwind isn't about how society was trying to make everyone perfect -- practically the opposite. The story is centered around the concept of "unwinding," which was basically like being an organ donor. The only differences were pretty major: one, all the body parts of the organ donor were used, two, the organ donors were often being organ donors against their will, and three, the organ donors were children or were 18 years old. Unwind follows three Unwinds: Connor, Risa, and Lev. This book is chilling, interesting, and extremely thought-provoking.

Appropriate for: advanced young readers, teens, and adults
Rating: must read! (note: this is a great book for discussions and responding to in writing, so I'd recommend Unwind for book clubs and classrooms.)