Monday, August 13, 2012

"Uglies" by Scott Westerfield

Perfect hair. Perfect skin. Perfect eyes. In our world, we think of supermodels. In Tally's world, they think of every person over sixteen. That's right -- every girl and guy becomes impossibly gorgeous. Who wouldn't want that? As it turns out, the answer is: a lot of people.
As soon as tally meets her new friend Shay, things start to get interesting. Shay introduces her to a whole new side of her world that she never knew.
In this amazing page turner of a book, Scott Westerfield introduces us to the strange, dystopian world of "Uglies." There are three other books in the series: "Pretties," "Specials," and "Extras." Although I didn't enjoy the other books in the series very much, it's kind of hard to not read them -- at the end of every book is a cliffhanger! While I cannot guarantee it will be your best read, it definitely is a book that is impossible to put down.

Appropriate for: younger teens, teens, and adults
Rating: good